Thursday, January 14, 2016

When Fake World Meets Reality

Now you're here trying to write down your thoughts,
Pretending to do something with your notes.
I know, you're now feeling a bit distraught.
But hey, this entry should be good and taut!

When a "fake world" makes you believe a lie,
Be cautious and know when to say goodbye.
It is okay, you can let out a sigh,
Oh girl, it's so "OA" if you will cry.

After all, you know you cannot have it, 
Hard-headed ka lang at nagpumilit.
It's like a shoe that would not even fit,
Hard-headed ka lang at nagpumilit.

Please stop acting like a stubborn 'lil child,
Look around, gather the things that has piled.
Relax, keep calm, and please try to be "mild".
Fate is a good friend, look at her, she smiled.